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Your name

Business name


Phone number

Email address

Street address


Sales tax number

Do you carry product liability insurance? Yes   No

Product description

Product pictures (Please attach up to three photos; JPG, PNG)

Vendor category

100% Farmer    Value Added Producer    Artisan    All Natural    Non-GMO    Organic

Other (Please define below)

How long have you produced products for sale?

Where are your products sold currently?

Do you self-distribute or have a distributor? Yes   No

What is your suggested retail price?

What were your gross sales last year?

What percentage of retail sales?

What percentage of wholesale?

How much do you expect to sell in an average week? (in dollars)

What is your target demographic?

What sets you apart from other similar products?

Do you maintain an email list of customers or do you plan to? Yes   No (but will consider)

What platforms do you currently use to market your business?

Print    Email    Social Media    In-store    Other (Please define below)

Incomplete applications will not be considered. A completed application is not an agreement to honor your request. You will be notified in a timely manner if your organization is selected.

Thank You